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[:pb]It is known that decision-making processes on the incorporation of healthcare technologies involve several actors and variables, which makes them extremely complex. The methodology of Healthcare Technology Assessments (HTA) has been used in several countries, including Brazil,

[:pb]O The complex process of incorporating technologies in the healthcare area has as a fundamental tool, the Healthcare Technology Assessments (HTA). Used in several countries, they consist of the analysis of clinical and economic studies to support

Biological drugs are produced from living cells and, therefore, are more complex structures and have high production costs. Currently, they are the biggest source of innovation in the pharmaceutical market, in addition to being able to treat

Após 1945 o enfático desenvolvimento científico e tecnológico contribuiu para que o complexo econômico da saúde se estabelecesse como um dos setores de maior desenvolvimento, ao mesmo tempo, a saúde dos indivíduos e das populações passou a ser considerada

Desde a solicitação até a consulta pública, a Incorporação de Tecnologias em Saúde é um processo complexo, mas aberto à participação da sociedade – diretamente afetada pelas decisões tomadas. Visando contribuir para que haja maior engajamento e participação de todos,