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A saúde não é um bem exclusivo da iniciativa pública, assim como não é da iniciativa privada. Mas contratos, parcerias e a própria tecnologia são capazes de garantir que conceitos como o de saúde baseada em valor

The development, incorporation and use of new technologies in health systems in Brazil, as well as their sustainability, are inserted in social and economic contexts, which originate in the continuous production and consumption. In Brazil, the increase

After 1945, the emphatic scientific and technological development contributed to the economic healthcare complex establishing itself as one of the sectors of greatest development; at the same time, the health of individuals and populations came to be

It is a fact that the incorporation of technologies in public and private systems around the world has promoted improvements in healthcare services and in the quality of life of patients. However, it is also known that

The constant innovations in healthcare generate new costs for the sector and, therefore, every new technology to be incorporated goes through the meticulous process of Healthcare Technology Assessments (HTA), which serve as a basis for decision-making. One