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Dev Mapes, Autor em Mapes - Page 5 of 7

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O processo que garante a inclusão de nova tecnologias de saúde no setor privado é bastante abrangente, uma vez que visa absorver o avanço científico e, ao mesmo tempo, garantir a sustentabilidade dos sistemas de saúde. Para facilitar o entendimento de

[:pb]Para a Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS), saúde é “um estado de completo bem-estar físico, mental e social e não meramente a ausência de doença ou enfermidade”. Esse conceito tão amplo, porém, se contrapõe à tradição de

[:pb]The incorporation of technologies in the healthcare sector is a complex process and requires careful study.Healthcare Technology Assessments (HTA), already fulfil this role in many countries and, in Brazil, they are mandatory for medicines, procedures or equipment’s

[:pb]The incorporation of technologies is a complex process that generally involves high costs for healthcare systems, whether public or private. Not to mention the responsibility for the lives of the population, a fundamental factor for all decision-making

[:pb]It is known that, currently, technological innovation is present in all sectors, so it could not be different in the health area. Specifically in healthcare systems, healthcare technology assessment (HTA)is present in Brazil and worldwide. It should