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  • Author: Dev Mapes

From the request to the public consultation, the Incorporation of Healthcare Technologies is a complex process, but open to the participation of society - directly affected by the decisions taken. Aiming to contribute to a greater engagement

After 1945, the emphatic scientific and technological development contributed to the economic healthcare complex establishing itself as one of the sectors of greatest development; at the same time, the health of individuals and populations came to be

Quando um medicamento é desenvolvido, a empresa dona da patente mantém o controle sobre quem pode fabricá-lo ou vendê-lo. Porém essa patente tem uma data de vencimento e, quando ela expira, outras empresas podem desenvolver um produto

Biological drugs are produced from living cells and, therefore, are more complex structures and have high production costs. Currently, they are the biggest source of innovation in the pharmaceutical market, in addition to being able to treat

It is a fact that the incorporation of technologies in public and private systems around the world has promoted improvements in healthcare services and in the quality of life of patients. However, it is also known that